War thunder cheats
War thunder cheats

war thunder cheats

Majority of cheaters dont get banned, they simply pre-aim to where you will be, or when you exit, and is hard for you or for who review the replay to understand that they cheat. If you compared how big this community is, to the bans of gaijin you will realize that they where pretty much tryng to dry an ocean with a spoon.

war thunder cheats

In the waroverlay forum you can find thousands of users (even if community is 70% russian) and hundreds of them sayng yeah i use it since x years, just dont use it blatantly and you are fine. And i bet there is many other people who share my experience in that sense. So playng with those clans i was forced to use waroverlay. On top of that you can set aim for specific parts of tanks/airplanes, frontalplate, turret ring, turret etc (so in planes allow to snipe pilot incredibly easy in frontals, i bet this is a common experience that many got facing top rb clans in squadron battles, this clans always won every frontal…)Īlso if gaijin wanted to detect it was very easy, the cheat not have any kind of hidden feature, it require wt to run in 32bit windowed screen (so easy to corner the users, since there is no real need to run client in 32bit windowed for 99,9% of the users beside using the cheat)Īctually cheating is mandatory pretty much for be in a top clan (wich are mainly russians btw) they ask you strait and directly, do you cheaT? if you say no, unless you are an incredible player they not take you, since every clan use them you are considered a liability, a disadvantage.


They allow you to use rockets and bombs like you are in arcade, plus the obvious esp, wallhack, that load air targets and tanks even thrue the entire map or thrue clouds up to 25000mt away (25km) People also tend to understimate how powerful those cheats are, They mainly used in tank rb and air rb, they give you way more precise aim reticle then ab, even better then radar guided since you can tweak them for bullet speed, drag, ping corrections etc. So in 19.1 you will see all this superclans with people like Datgoose (yeah he use overlay too) fall like flyes they litterally cant play anymore withouth cheats they soo used to have them, that they lost the skill to play withouth, so will be really interesting to see all this russians clans fall.Īlso expect a huge portion of the players to drop in numbers. I can testimony that as member of those clans and having used cheats myself with impunity for years, so all my current and past members and they all still there. Moreover, later on, game mechanics elements come into play that I have absolutely no interest in (heat vision, missiles, helicopters and so on).Long story short, i was, i am member of a top rb clan, i was in TYT PROMO and many other clans, 60% if not more (probably more if we include alt accounts wich every clan use in abbundance) all cheat. This is why the majority of players are settling for WWII.For me, by the way, I was interested in development up to WWII vehicles, the post-war stuff never interested me. Ergo when you reach the second half of WWII and you have good vehicles and the game starts to be enjoyable again, the suffering starts all over again with post war vehicles, only for much longer or for much more money. Plus a stock vehicle there is really suffering, meaning the game forces you to add stuff to the stock vehicle if you don't want to be a punching bag. There it becomes too much of an upgrade, even with a premium. The real problem starts with the post war vehicles. If you pay a premium, which is a month less than WoW, it will make up for the time you spend grinding.

war thunder cheats

But there will come a point where, if you pay nothing, the game forces you to play a lot more. In return, the game can be played by many people at once. In the beginning, you can easily and quickly progress and unlock new vehicles.


Yes, this is how most of free to play game works.

War thunder cheats